Maria Consultancy

Pre CAS interview preparation

Pre CAS interview preparation

Our CAS Preparation Package offers comprehensive services to help you feel ready and confident for your upcoming interview. An experienced immigration adviser will thoroughly review your application and conduct a mock interview session to familiarize you with the types of questions commonly asked. They will assess your strengths and areas needing refinement and provide tailored feedback.

Mock Interview Sessions:

We focus on getting you interview-ready through intensive mock interview sessions. The key steps include:


Our standard Preparation Package includes a minimum of 2 full mock interview sessions. The initial interview is used to comprehensively assess your strengths, weaknesses, and readiness. Our advisor will identify any areas that need improvement and provide tailored feedback. A follow-up mock interview then allows you to demonstrate the progress made in addressing those areas. This process helps ensure you are fully prepared to clearly articulate your case on the day. If needed, we can schedule additional mock interviews to provide extra practice and refinement.

Yes, an important part of our preparation service is providing thorough performance feedback. After each mock interview, your advisor will evaluate various aspects of your responses, communication style, and interview skills. This includes analyzing the content of your answers for completeness and alignment with the CAS criteria. Non-verbal behaviors like eye contact, posture, tone of voice are also assessed. You’ll receive a written report outlining strengths demonstrated, as well as specific suggestions for improvement in any areas identified.

We understand that schedules can be busy, so we aim to be as flexible as possible with our mock interview scheduling. Initially, we will work with you to set up the first 1-2 sessions based on times that align best with your availability. After that, you have the flexibility to request rescheduling or adding additional sessions up until 1-2 weeks before your actual CAS interview date. We try our best to accommodate last minute changes where we can.

Part of our training involves assessing and providing feedback on important non-verbal aspects of communication that can positively or negatively impact your interview experience. Some of the specific non-verbal skills we will evaluate and coach include Eye contact with the interviewer,Body language and posture

  • Facial expressions and smiles
  • Hand gestures
  • Tone of voice, inflection and hesitation in speech
  • Level of confidence and comfort under pressure

Our Preparation Package provides several supplemental materials to enhance your learning experience:

  • Suggested answer guide: This covers common interview questions mapped to CAS criteria, with sample responses to use as a framework.
  • Checklists: For reviewing your application and supporting documents prior to interviews.
  • Sample interview questions: 150+ questions we’ve compiled from past client experiences.
  • Mock documentation: Examples of documents to submit organized per DHA requirements.

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